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Everything posted by MarkBzero

  1. MarkBzero

    Concept 7

    Has potential but not for me.
  2. Great idea why didn't become a success. I wonder if there are many left out there.
  3. MarkBzero

    Front Grill

    Looks good with mesh I like the idea of painting it to individual styles. I have been playing around with mine no mesh yet just the 'zero' name added, what do you think?
  4. Duncan, Dpends how you are going to fit them if mounted from under the bonnet I would suggest countersunk stainless rivets that can be filled and repainted to match the bonnet. If fitted externally I would go for normal staianless steel rivets to match the louvers, again personal choice. Regards Mark
  5. Gravity normally gets me in the fun starts when I try to get out.....
  6. Like some of the other guys I am working to a budget and don't care if it takes 2-3 years to complete with workload and family commitments. Time consuming part so far fitting the old sierra loom, had to cut a lot out and extend some wires not difficult but takes alot of time. But its all worth it as you see the car coming together.
  7. Dan, You will have a distinct advantage of knowing the history of the parts and I imagine most will be a simple transplant. Also if you are happy with your lights I'm sure GBS will deduct them from the package (they did this for me). Sounds like a good plan and consideration for the next project. Mark
  8. Jez, I have finished with mine you are welcome to borrow it I will not need it for a while. Regards Mark
  9. Really good worth a few quid just for the story, nice car as well. Mark
  10. MarkBzero

    Parts For Sale

    Cheers Kev. Greavesy please let me know payment details. Thank you Mark
  11. MarkBzero

    Parts For Sale

    If Kev does not want the pods I'll have them please. Regards Mark
  12. Thank you, I hope the welded brackets GBS put on the chassis are in the right place. Mark
  13. MarkBzero

    Stoneleigh Twins

    I can't deny it black and white does look very smart, but you nearly had black, white and lemonade. My son was very close when his bottle exploded on the floor very near the carpet. But then he's either hoodie in the making or needs an asbo!
  14. Any chance we can have a close up photo of mounting points, a picture speaks a thousand words please. No rush I am going to fit the rear arches next weekend. Mark
  15. MarkBzero

    Stoneleigh Twins

    Looks good, although the whole Rhocar area was good compared to others and generally you let people get up close to the cars. I wonder what colour is the most popular, I'll have to ask GBS next time I visit? Mark
  16. Good progress can't wait to see it in the flesh. Mark
  17. Welcome minibigfinch (what's the story behind that name?) I agree with Kev keep it simple get the car built then consider the many enhancements to improve performance. Any questions just ask someone will answer or pop around to help, once you become a full member you can loan specialist tools/equipment. Best of luck. Regards Mark
  18. Stuart, I was going for twin webers but most people generaly agreed with you so suggested that dellortos DHLA were better and more reliable. Trying to keep cost down and the donor car had a xflow fitted (south Afirican Import) the exisiting manifold and carb will not fit without moving a chassis rail and cutting a hole in the bonnet. This enginge/donor choice is causing more then one problem whilst building the zero but hey that's half the fun. Not looking for a speed demon just an enjoyable build the new xflow manifold has a slight upward angle which clears the chassis. Regards Mark
  19. Hi All, I am going to fit twin Dellortos DHLA 40's I have got a set from ebay but needs a few spares. What I am after is any information about choke size, main jets, idle jets etc when fitted to a xflow, any further advice and a picture of setup (either xflow or pinto) showing throttle linkage and fuel runs would be appreciated. I know it will have to go on a rolling road eventually but is there a basic set up process to get the engine running? Rgards Mark
  20. Dan, Looks good very similar to the lights I'm fitting, but I decided to go for a reverse light and fog. Mark
  21. Definately the way ahead to keep her indoors happy.
  22. MarkBzero

    V5 Document

    You don't need a V5 to build or register but you will end up with a Q plate. Regards Mark
  23. MarkBzero


    I agree did not stay over but thanks to the guys for a brew and some advice.
  24. MarkBzero

    No Progress

    The way I see it working makes money and pays the bills can't be help! Think of retirement and the joys of driving in the future.
  25. MarkBzero

    Clutch Cable

    Thanks Nigel, Good find. Perfect going to order one better then playing around with a pinch bolt at the pdeal end. Regards Mark
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