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New Toy / Project


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Christmas has come early for me this year. Treated myself to this new toy (VX220) which Ive always wanted from being a spotty faced teenager.


Ive driven her quite a bit this weekend;


Ive love the looks

Handles brilliant




Bugger to get in and out of.



Ive always one of these and Ive been wanting to do a charger project for myself for a while now. After much consideration I decide against charging the exmo - yes it would be great to have a charged v8 but there were too many reasons preventing this (chassis and gearbox being be main ones).


So the underpowered engine in my new toy will be sorted out with a charger at some point.

There are a few other areas on the car with Ill be bringing up to my standard, but shes in good condition for a 14year old car.

As for getting in and out the car, Im just going to have to get used to it and find the nack.




Edited by steamer
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