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Hi All


Well after a lovely day yesterday, the rain has started to fall so the mind has fallen to jobs on the `to do list'.




I currently have a home made ramp for getting the kit to a height comfortable to work on and high enough to be able to get underneath.


Currently the ramp is made out of 2 RSJ's (I beam) which are separate but tied together with 2 x 50mm (2 inch) scaffold poles.


The end of the ramp currently sits at 700mm high which is a great height to work at and get underneath. https://photos.app.goo.gl/zQsE0mrrwtQ6xBrE2


The end and the straight is held together with 6mm plates. https://photos.app.goo.gl/9KEzPCEUbtB61ZVq2.


I have mainly been using it as a ramp but would love to be able to use this as a platform.


The big issue i have is getting the other end in the air. Currently i have a farm jack that i use to jack each side up a little at a time and the ends are then sitting on 2 x 50mm scaffold poles each side using trailer clamps which hold 750kg each. (https://photos.app.goo.gl/PCkmeFcsGbhyDkif1).


This is very dodgy to say the least, it is not 100% stable when up and the whole process of getting up is difficult and getting it down is just dangerous, so i have not been using it as much as i had planned.


This is what it looks like when the ramp is up. https://photos.app.goo.gl/h0NmXQZErmBN4cBE3


Design brief:


So, the help i need is to make this safe and easy to lift. Also to be high enough to be able to get underneath.


Design limitations:


Tools to lift the ramp are a 2 ton trolley jack with a maximum lift of 370mm.

Farm jack, but really do not like using this as it does not feel safe (mainly on lowering)

Would prefer to use what i have left metal wise, which is a 2m length of the RSJ and a sheet of 6mm steel.


So what would you do?


Thanks in advance



Edited by Thrashed

Check this thread out, http://talk.cobraregistry.com/showthread.php?797-Cheap-O-Lift I seriously considered it but ended up going with this, https://www.kwik-lift.com/ . Shipping will kill ya but maybe someone local has something similar. I can get under the cobra for oil changes and small checks in the down position. The up position is a joy to work under and safety is never a question.



Turn it into a see-saw, you will loose some of the lift but with the balance point correctly set your ramp will only need poles/RSJ added under the free end when in the raised position ( use plates as shown ) Wheels on the lengths of RSJ with RSJ under each end should stand far more weight than your car.


Check this thread out, http://talk.cobraregistry.com/showthread.php?797-Cheap-O-Lift I seriously considered it but ended up going with this, https://www.kwik-lift.com/ . Shipping will kill ya but maybe someone local has something similar. I can get under the cobra for oil changes and small checks in the down position. The up position is a joy to work under and safety is never a question.


Have seen loads of these sort of lifts it already have £300 of steel so would rather use this than start from scratch. Definitely something for the future


Turn it into a see-saw, you will loose some of the lift but with the balance point correctly set your ramp will only need poles/RSJ added under the free end when in the raised position ( use plates as shown ) Wheels on the lengths of RSJ with RSJ under each end should stand far more weight than your car.

Have looked at that idea but with the weight of the RSJ s (about 180kg a side) and confined garage area really didnt like the idea. Preferred something more under control.


I was looking online at lifts only yesterday. Every time I want to work on the underneath of my car I have to go through this rigmarole of carefully jacking each corner up until I can get it up on axle stands. It's not that bad but space is limited and I keep thinking there must be an easier way to do it. I did consider a two post lift but that would limit space in the garage as I am always moving stuff around to work in there so I think my best option is going to be a scissor lift. I did think about going down the ramp route with something homemade as you are but I think I will put some money aside for a scissor lift as that will slide under one of my other vehicles when not in use.


I was looking online at lifts only yesterday. Every time I want to work on the underneath of my car I have to go through this rigmarole of carefully jacking each corner up until I can get it up on axle stands. It's not that bad but space is limited and I keep thinking there must be an easier way to do it. I did consider a two post lift but that would limit space in the garage as I am always moving stuff around to work in there so I think my best option is going to be a scissor lift. I did think about going down the ramp route with something homemade as you are but I think I will put some money aside for a scissor lift as that will slide under one of my other vehicles when not in use.

I have the same space issues as only have a single garage. The good thing with my design is that I can flip it over and park on top of the ramp. It means I am not tripping over it and can get down each side easily.


I would use a hoist or winch to lift and make the legs fixed rather than scaffold poles.

Definitely want a better idea than the poles. Thinking along the lines of the same as the fixed end but with something a little easier to remove. I have air tools so not too much of a strain. Its he getting it in the air safe and level thats the concern. Thought about the engine hoist but its really the wrong end of the garage and would have to find a balance point when lifting which again not sure will be stable.


Was thinking along the lines of buying 2 bottle jacks and make a bar that jacks them both at the same time?


I was thinking fit the winch in the roof and raise with a bar connecting the two rails, you could create a simple pivot/hinge to fix the other ends of the rails.

Sounds good. Just been talking to Gaz along the same lines. Use a bit of the left over rsj to connect the 2 sides and then use that as like a jacking beam. I could then use other bits to create new removable end pieces. Might have to limit the height to my trolley jacks max travel or find some bottle jacks that give a bit extra or add a spacer under the trolley jack and make a little ramp extension for driving on. Using 2 bottle jacks with some sort of connecting bar allowing both to be jacked at the same time might give a more even lift and more balance?


something i did when i built my engine hoist was add a failsafe. It was basically a ratchet system so that as i raised the engine a bar would drop into a notch (one of many). Pulled in by a simple spring. If the screwthread part failed for whatever reason it would be held by the bar and prevent a potentially horrible accident.


I'd apply a similar setup to whatever system you use incase any of the jacks or pulleys suddenly failed for some reason. Either spring loaded or gravity driven bar that drops and locks as you lift.



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Hi Steve,


interesting thread, just wondering you say you have air tools so I guess you have a compressor ?


Not sure what sort of money they would be but what about an Air (Bag) Lift similar to the sort of things the Emergency Services use to lift vehicles in an accident, probably too expensive but using a system to lock the Ramp into position once at the required height might be a feasible option ?






Hi Steve,


interesting thread, just wondering you say you have air tools so I guess you have a compressor ?


Not sure what sort of money they would be but what about an Air (Bag) Lift similar to the sort of things the Emergency Services use to lift vehicles in an accident, probably too expensive but using a system to lock the Ramp into position once at the required height might be a feasible option ?





Yer. Got a compressor but again not sure they will give a stable jacking platform plus would rather not have to buy any new equipment.


Working on a jacking beam type idea.


I treated myself to a secondhand one similar to this - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MID-RISE-SCISSOR-LIFT-MOBILE-2-7T-PROBABLY-BEST-OF-KIND-IN-EUROPE-CE-949-VAT/112914359908?hash=item1a4a386664:g:u44AAOSw7OVajSyq


Got it for about half the price of new. Can really recommend it. Makes lifting so easy.


Worth a thought if you ever fancy something else.


I know its not what your after but thought I'd throw it out there as an idea.

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