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Everything posted by MarkBzero

  1. Good result now you have to convince the wife to be, that she wants a kitcar so you can have a his and hers.
  2. its like minded peers
  3. Steve, I am working in Basingstoke on that day I'll try to sneak off if its not to far from the office. Regards Mark
  4. Steve, That looks like a good solution, how do you intend to keep it in place? Please post some pictures when finished. Regards Mark
  5. MarkBzero

    Black Alloys

    Hi Martin, I have fitted these couldn't make my mind up silver or black, paranoid that I'm going to sctratch them. From wheel based alloys came with rubber, wheel nuts, locking wheel nut set for about £420, besides the kit the largest spend for the build so far. Mark
  6. Missing all the good weather hopefully car will be ready for next summer......

  7. Decision made I ordered the 7 set chrome bezels, white dials with red pointers today. Went for the electronic speedo after hearing the potential issues with cable routing. Should be here in 2 weeks.
  8. MarkBzero

    It's Passed

    Congratulations and well done. All the best.
  9. very harsh and dry
  10. This site is really a build manual and it brings like minded people together, with a proper and decent manual there might not be so many members. Also one of the best parts of kit cars is the different shapes, colours, mods, bodges, brackets, tweaks, different parts that do the job etc. they are all different, follow a biuld manual and the majority will look like a production car.
  11. MarkBzero

    Cv Help

    Sorry to hear your news. I always update my CV annually - you never know, printed on high quality off-white paper to stand out in the crowd. I have been involve in a lot of recruiting in the past 4-5 years and the most common format I see and the layout for mine is. 1. Name (larger font than the rest of the document. 2. Address 3. Contact details (tel home, mobile and email) 4. Profile - 1/4 page - Its all about you, character, skills, experience and knowledge. 5. Education and training - list in date order (can be differcult to support without certificates) don't worry how small the course was it demonstrates the ability to learn and apply yourself. 6. Employment history - In your case one company write in short concise paragraphs for each role you have been employed stating the year you started each role. Use statements like promoted, developed into, exceeded target/objectives, achievements etc. Basically sell yourself, you are better then the next candidate. 7. Interest and hobbies - Explain that you have a life and commitments outside of work, it tells the interviwer that you are not lazing and enjoy occupying your time (not a couch potato). 8. Additional information - i.e. Married with 2 kids, driving license category, foster carer etc Make sure you support the information in the CV, and don't laugh practice interviews with family (the inlaws are great for this(devils advocate)) I still attend 2-3 interviews a year to find out if I am employable and to gain experience. Then you will be able to answer any questions about your CV also remember the interviewers names, if yourespond to a question knowing thier name i.e 'yes Simon' it works a treat. Hope this helps Regards Mark
  12. MarkBzero

    Collective Noun

  13. MarkBzero


    try a jump lead from earth on a good battery to starter motor/bell housing case.
  14. eyes and deep cut
  15. Thank you, guessing the cable route will be cheaper then electronic sensor.
  16. MarkBzero

    Had My Sva Today

    Congratulations and well done a great acheivement.
  17. MarkBzero

    Dvla Worcester

    Steve, Thank you
  18. Hi, Going to fit ETB (7 set)gauges to Zero with a type 9 gearbox can anybody reccommend speedo cable manufacturer and provide details on ends/length/routing please? Need cable to complete disc test. Thank you in advance. Regards Mark
  19. Best build part has to be electrics - really enjoy solving problems (using old sierra loom). Best tool rivnut - amazing gadget wish i had these in the forces. Worst build - lack of money and time (Wife/family/work). Worst tool - my vice rubish, rubish and for good measure rubish.
  20. MarkBzero

    Dvla Worcester

    Steve, Did you take any paperwork on your visit to show the car i.e. V5 build photo's etc. Regards Mark
  21. MarkBzero

    Motorbike Helmet

    Sounds great and not too expensive if you consider the cost of windscreen kit and safety.
  22. Welcome to the mad house you will get plenty of support an this site from a good bunch of like minded owners/builders. Always offering to share knowledge and experience. All the best Mark
  23. ouch that really hurt
  24. Phil, Not offering much help sorry but I had the same problem a few weeks ago. Same as you I rounded off the allen key so ended up using a hot air gun, a good bang with hammer and a damn good pair of new vice grips. Unfortunately the end is chewed up and I could really do with a new one (could use the old one but messy). I am struggling to find a new one at the moment any help appreciated. Regards Mark
  25. bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger
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