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First Time Pass At Nottingham

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Guest dinger

With lots of sleepless nights, blood,sweat and tears over last year and 1 month my Zero passed at Nottingham this morning,


I have to thank all the guys on the forum for their advise and input through the whole build, But special thanks goes to Nick(shaft) Dad(GDC) and uncle Kev(qwerty) sometimes not for their mechanical or technical skills but just for being on the end of a phone/chat room ot help.


There was only a couple of bits that needed modification which Martin(inspector) gave very advise about and gave me the time to rectify them,

The first(ironically) was my JCB headlights which were bound to be IVA proof,,,,,NOT SO!!! As the indicator emmits light to the side/rear it is classed as a side repeater, However not far enough out to be a real one, And two side repeaters are not aloud, I had to take the lamp apart and black the inside of the lens so no orange light would show from rear view,


The second which may be of interest to others was the rear of the front brake caliper, Where the brake line goes into the caliper a sharp edge can be found, you can either blunt the edge or stick some rubber onto it, I hadn;t fitted any kind of cover to the back of the wheel, so other than the sharp edge everything else is ok,


Here's a few pics









Overall a really good experience, And a very very special thankyou to Nick(shaft) for his families hospitality and holding my hand today.x


On my way back home I payed a visit to DVLA, So all paperwork has been handed in and now just have to wait for the postie!!!!




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Guest mower man

Very well done mate proper result !!the smile should last for months best regards mower man [mick] :clapping: :good: :yahoo:

Guest dinger

¡enhorabuena! :clapping:


I have no idea what that means,,,, but Thankyou Kind Sir

Guest gixerboy600

Congrats mate!!!!


A job well done, hopefully mine won't be too far behind you!!!






well done son

excellent result , enjoy the grin , cos it will last , as every time you drive it you will

think , i built this .



lots of love dad

Guest steve8274

nice one. sure there was never any doubt you failing.


will have to get all you guys who recently passed zero iva to check mine out when im ready. would be a nice drive out for you all!!


Guest Hammy360

Brilliant well done! Inspiration with only 6 weeks into my build :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Guest Hammy360

Congrats dudie. Am I the only one left?? :blush:

No mate, Im probably well behind you in the build :pardon:

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