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Having A Sierra V5 Means No Need For Iva?

Guest Jack Heywood

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Guest Jack Heywood

Im looking into buying a Robin Hood but i am slightly worried about the IVA test as this car hasn't got one. After asking about why he never got an IVA on the car he wondered why i was looking into an IVA because if i could get a Sierra v5 Logbook i could get a non Q plate and it will still be road legal and i can get the MOT etc etc. I never heard of this before and as i am new to this im not sure at what to look for to find out


Any advise would be appriciated

Thanks Jack

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If it doesn't say "Robin Hood" on the V5 - walk away.


If it still says Sierra or something else, it is not legal.


Or is this a part built - unfinished car? If so, then it NEEDS to go through the IVA test. Budget on £1000 to cover this test, possible re-test, first TAX and £55 initial registration fee. All adds up to a good chunk of that £1000



Edited by Simon B
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Guest Jack Heywood

So i can't just get a Sierra v5 regester the car on that and go, i have to get it IVA tested... this is what i thought just wanted to confirm



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Guest Jack Heywood

Just seen your add on Simon. The car is complete and ready to drive away (if it was legal etc). The guy used it as a track car so its all running but he had no intrest in getting it road legal. He said he has all the papers and photos that i know are usaully needed for the test.

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Guest Jack Heywood

no it doesn't already have a plate. I (wrongly) assumed it would have a V5 so i don't know. He did say it has everying from when the car was first bought from the manufacturer.

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Posting just crossed over.


If it is not road legal now, then it NEEDS to go through the IVA test and the BUILDER has to declare that HE BUILT IT HIMSELF.


So, kind of tricky if you are relying on his photos to prove the build.


Also, track cars are usually built DOWN to be light and a lot of the REQUIREMENTS for passing the IVA (e.g sharp edges) are unlikely to be met.



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Guest Jack Heywood

He didnt build it either he bought it like that... By the sounds of things it seems like i need to swiftly walk away from this. I am guessing its much safer and easier to spend a little more and get a car already road legal

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