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Florin's Engine


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Florin's engine is using a lot of oil now ( 42K in donor Sierra & 39K in Florin ) & the considered opinion is that the CVH engine needs the valve stem seals replacing.

Before I do that I was thinking it may be prudent to check compression values -- no point in doing seals if compression is down.

So, good people is there some-one close by who would lend me the required tools -- or failing that the part numbers of said tools so I can buy my own.


Thanks in advance

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I have a gusson tester had to get an adapter to fit plugs in zetic


Your local garage should have one.


Not expensive to by under £20 on each bay


so would cost same to post you mine.



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Best tool is a leak down tester.

It is connected to a compressor, injects a set pressure into the cylinder

& shows on a red/amber/green scale how much of that pressure is being lost.


But on the Hood I've always used a Gunson Hi-Gauge

which as Steve says is a cheap & cheerful compression tester.

It has an inbuilt adaptor for small & large plugs

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Thanks for the input guys, any brand recommended for a leak down tester? Will buy this kit but the prices vary so much so would like info.


Marcus, yes have been told seals can be replaced in situ but is a tool needed?? & how is it done??

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Basicaly do one piston at a time remove rocker cover place 1st piston at tdc to couer risk of ualve dropping check by removing spark plug then fit tool to compress spring remove collet etc remove tool and spring renew oli seal use updated ones then rebuld in reverse order then move on putting nxt piston tdc and repeat hope that makes sense

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