Hi, I did not notice this thread before, I must be asleep. I have been rebuilding an Exmo for a long while and will go through all your posts more carefully. The one I am rebuilding was very hastily thrown together by myself in 1999 just before the end of the world, just past what was then SVA, on the road for a bit, no WS, no carpets, plywood seats, see road out of back etc, then in a garage till 3 years ago when I remembered what was under a tarp under a load of junk. Shocking what time can do, worst thing a leak of battery acid (no I had not removed it) eaten a hole through the car like that creature in Alien. Oh, sorry yes, get to the point Sparepart!, I Have just gone through the trauma of shaping those thick steel winscreen pillars, so have the windscreen (another construction challenge) in place. I have cut the square bit of SS that has the four demister vents punched into four seperate vents ..... here is the question ... how far away from the base of the windsceen have you fitted yours? and how are they distrubted about the centre line? .. a photo would obviously tell a thousand tales. BTW I did read about using the Capri shocks, I have fitted even shorter ones from a mini. I wish you good luck on your re-test, looking at your photos of the re-build you have done a great job. Back in 1999 we were told that this kit would not get through the "new regs" that were coming, so do it now or never, you are proving them wrong.