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Hi everyone

I guess we would expect that the winter months would not set the world on fire and not surprisingly October was a fairly disappointing month. Of the 23 members whose subscription expired, only 12 renewed, with a 11 lapsing.  But we did manage to pick up 8 new members (and one returning member whose membership had lapsed a couple of years ago).  So overall we went down by only 2 to 387.

So here are the new members, following the usual format with their forum username, with their actual first name in brackets if it isn't obvious, and their location.  This month I have also added the username of their Area Secretary.  Please use the message system (The envelope icon in the top right corner of the screen) if you would like to see if they are interested in a meet or if you want to discuss anything with the area sec.

Joel                                    West Midlands        richyb66        
LeicJim3a (Jim)                 Leicestershire        tractor
Webstermick(Michael)      Leicestershire        tractor
dikster1 (Richard)              South East             nelmo
Brian75                               West Midlands       richyb66
Roger                                  North West            darrell
Corgi (Colin)                       North West            darrell
john henry                           Scotland                soupstone
Dave Gandy                        Central Midlands   andi

This months plea is yet again for some volunteers to come forward to help the Committee run the Club.   We have been unable to fill the Events Secretary post since the last AGM and we still don't have a volunteer to take over from Neil next year as Magazine Editor.  If you want to know what is involved in each post then check out the Terms of Reference at : https://www.rhocar.org/index.php?/forums/topic/50463-terms-of-reference-for-club-officials/&do=getNewComment  

Surely there are some among the 387 of you who could help ?  Or maybe one of our many Community Users ?   Remember the posts come with free membership.   With apologies to Lord Kitchener "Your Club needs you".😀


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  • 1 month later...

I thought November would be a very quiet month as a lot of people SORN their cars, but actually it turned out to be similar to October.   Of the 17 members up for renewal, 12 decided to stay with us.   Although we had 5 cancellations that was nicely balanced to 7 new members who signed up.  So overall we recovered the 2 losses in October by gaining 2 to go back up to 389 members.  The new members, with forum username, location and the associated Area Secretary are as follows:

Arthur Martin     Dundee                 soupstone’
Rab Irvine           Dundee                  soupstone
Colin Norfolk      Kings Lynn            alanrichey
Tim Ashby          Great Rollright       apgodden
Rich                     Shoeburyness       nelmo
darrenb_123       Dereham                alanrichey
karl                      Lytham                   Darrell

So welcome to all of you.

Remember we are still looking for 2 volunteers to join the Committee (Events and Magazine Editor) so we can continue to run the Club in the future.   Please think seriously about giving something back to the Club.  As before the Terms of Reference are at: https://www.rhocar.org/index.php?/forums/topic/50463-terms-of-reference-for-club-officials/&do=getNewComment

All for now

Al  (Membership Secretary)

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49 minutes ago, alanrichey said:

I thought November would be a very quiet month as a lot of people SORN their cars, but actually it turned out to be similar to October.   Of the 17 members up for renewal, 12 decided to stay with us.   Although we had 5 cancellations that was nicely balanced to 7 new members who signed up.  So overall we recovered the 2 losses in October by gaining 2 to go back up to 389 members.  The new members, with forum username, location and the associated Area Secretary are as follows:

Arthur Martin     Dundee                 soupstone’
Rab Irvine           Dundee                  soupstone
Colin Norfolk      Kings Lynn            alanrichey
Tim Ashby          Great Rollright       apgodden
Rich                     Shoeburyness       nelmo
darrenb_123       Dereham                alanrichey
karl                      Lytham                   Darrell

So welcome to all of you.

Remember we are still looking for 2 volunteers to join the Committee (Events and Magazine Editor) so we can continue to run the Club in the future.   Please think seriously about giving something back to the Club.  As before the Terms of Reference are at: https://www.rhocar.org/index.php?/forums/topic/50463-terms-of-reference-for-club-officials/&do=getNewComment

All for now

Al  (Membership Secretary)

welcome aboard everyone, see you on Friday Karl for our run through the illuminations

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  • 4 weeks later...

Happy New Year everyone, time for an update for the end of 2022. 

Not unexpectedly December was a quiet month, but ultimately disappointing.  Of the 22 members up for renewal 16 actually renewed, although we gained 2 new members which helped.   Also the removal of the family subscription option meant we had a 'technical' loss of a few members.   So our overall total now stands at 389 members.

The 2 new members (and their associated Area Secretary) are:

Terry Smith       Edinburgh                   soupstone

Jon Moore        Woking                         nelmo

Welcome them both


Al Richey (Membership Secretary)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Time for the latest update.  I always knew January was always going to be a difficult month.  Up until a few years ago all memberships started on 1 Jan.   This put an impossible burden on my predecessor, and it also made life difficult for owners who wanted to register during the rest of the year.  So the sensible decision was made to allow registration any time and have a rolling annual membership.   However, there are still a large number of us old-timers whose renewals still occur in January.  In fact there were 73 renewals due, some 20% of the total membership.

The second problem is that very few people think about joining a kit car club in the middle of winter when it is cold and cars tend to be stuck in the garage.  Out of sight out of mind.

As predicted, we took a fairly heavy hit, with 17 members failing to renew.  But we did actually welcome 3 new members which was nice.   It leaves the membership at 366, so getting 400 members has had to take a step back.  Roll on the summer months.

The new members are:  (Username, location and Area Sec)

BikerNeil                   Wakefield                 Grim

David Clark              Bexley                       nelmo

Phil Helliwell            Hucknall                    andi


Al (Membership Secretary)


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  • 4 weeks later...

February was an improvement over January, although still not good.    We had 35 members up for renewal and 28 of them did renew.   Also, we managed 5 new members, which is good for a 'winter' month and I would lile to think it will get better as we approach the season.    So we now have 364 members.

The new members are:  (Username, location and Area Sec)

Russ Garrett                  Mansfield          andi

Mark Fletcher                Eastleigh          apgodden

Billy                              Newton Stuart   soupstone

Steve Marshall              Herne Bay         nelmo

William McHarg

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February was an improvement over January, although still not good.    We had 35 members up for renewal and 28 of them did renew.   However, we managed 5 new members, which is good for a 'winter' month and I would lile to think it will get better as we approach the season.    So we now have 364 members.

The new members are:  (Username, location and Area Sec)

Russ Garrett                  Mansfield            andi

Mark Fletcher                Eastleigh             apgodden

Billy                                Newton Stuart     soupstone

Steve Marshall              Herne Bay            nelmo

Graham Marshall           York                      Grim


Al (Membership Secretary)

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On 3/1/2023 at 10:30 AM, alanrichey said:

February was an improvement over January, although still not good.    We had 35 members up for renewal and 28 of them did renew.   Also, we managed 5 new members, which is good for a 'winter' month and I would lile to think it will get better as we approach the season.    So we now have 364 members.

The new members are:  (Username, location and Area Sec)

Russ Garrett                  Mansfield          andi

Mark Fletcher                Eastleigh          apgodden

Billy                              Newton Stuart   soupstone

Steve Marshall              Herne Bay         nelmo

William McHarg

that's great, welcome on board Russ, Mark, Billy, Steve and William 

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  • 4 weeks later...

March was not a good month.  We had 45 renewals due and only 33 members actually renewed.   And we only picked up 5 new members, so we lost 7 overall.  I blame the weather.  I gather it was one of the wettest March for years (and I personally got caught in a massive rain storm on the way to the GBS Coffee & Cake meet😀).

Anyway we move into a new month and hopefully people will be taxing their cars and getting out and signing up.   Meanwhile our new Members are: (Username, location and Area Sec)

Zoran Popov           Gloucester              Robbie 2B
John Ryan               Largo, Florida
Chris Summers      Bromsgrove             richyb66
Mark Sawyer          Maidenhead             apgodden
Mark Roberts         Basildon                   nelmo  

So welcome to all, and a special welcome to our first member from the good ol' USA  (Although he is actually a brit so I am not sure that counts 😀)





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7 hours ago, alanrichey said:

March was not a good month.  We had 45 renewals due and only 33 members actually renewed.   And we only picked up 5 new members, so we lost 7 overall.  I blame the weather.  I gather it was one of the wettest March for years (and I personally got caught in a massive rain storm on the way to the GBS Coffee & Cake meet😀).

Anyway we move into a new month and hopefully people will be taxing their cars and getting out and signing up.   Meanwhile our new Members are: (Username, location and Area Sec)

Zoran Popov           Gloucester              Robbie 2B
John Ryan               Largo, Florida
Chris Summers      Bromsgrove             richyb66
Mark Sawyer          Maidenhead             apgodden
Mark Roberts         Basildon                   nelmo  

So welcome to all, and a special welcome to our first member from the good ol' USA  (Although he is actually a brit so I am not sure that counts 😀)





Welcome to you all, enjoy your cars 

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