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1 hour ago, alanrichey said:

Not one of our better months, but I guess it is to be expected as the season draws to a close.  Twelve members did not renew. However, the good news is we received seven new members.   So we welcome:

Username                  Location                  Area Secretary

Brian Curtis               Wallingford                apgodden

Becky                        Wolverhampton         richyb66

Steve Ralph               Nelson                      Darrell

dcsinclair22              Eastbourne               nelmo

landie (Philip)            Chelmsford               nelmo

Eric                             Colchester                nelmo

Eddie Brooks             Gainsborough          Grim



welcome on board everyone

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice one lindzie. 

I believe your after a radiator for your rh and some hose?

Someone will be along shortly with some suggestions.  I know lots of folk use a polo radio. Cheap as chips if you get the right one. 


Edited by Andi
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15 hours ago, Lindzie Jordan said:

Hi all my name is Lindzie Jordan some of you know me from my dad Paul Jordan who was a member.  he sadly passed away earlier this year. After sometime I have been in touch with the guy who dad sold his car to and I’m happy to say she’s coming home with me soon 

Now that is a heart-warming story - good on you Lindzie... 💖

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On 10/24/2023 at 10:53 AM, Lindzie Jordan said:

thank you I’m happy to be able to be able to get the car back and look forward to working on it and hope to get it out by next summer 

Brilliant news hope to see you and the car on some runs next year, plenty of us around Leicester that knew Paul and sure would be more than happy to help if you need it.

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October was a pretty standard month, although everything is understandably going quieter as winter draws nearer.  Of the 26 owners due to renew, 17 did renew and 9 cancelled.  More importantly we gained 5 new members, which is always good to see.  So we now have 335 members on the books.

So welcome to:                    

Username                   Location          Area Secretary

BWW (Brian)           Gateshead           alantoon
Lear45 (Wayne)      Ammanford          smpaarrkky
Ian Hunter               Northallerton       Grim
Craig Poultney        Germany              Me
Wayne Sherman     Hull                       Grim

Al (Membershio Secretary)


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Welcome to you all, hopefully you'll all find something useful within the club.

It's that time of year for getting all the jobs done on our cars ready for spring - ask if there's anything you're struggling with and we'll try and answer, you may even find there's someone nearby willing to help.

Enjoy your kits,   Steve

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On 10/31/2023 at 1:56 PM, keith kelly said:

Brilliant news hope to see you and the car on some runs next year, plenty of us around Leicester that knew Paul and sure would be more than happy to help if you need it.

Thank you I hope to get her on the road for next year can’t wait to take it out 

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the late post but I've been on holiday again 😀

Rather surprisingly, considering we are in the off-season, November was one of the better months I have seen so far.    We only had 14 members up for renewal.    Unfortunately 6 members did not renew but the really good news is that we picked up 8 new members.  Great news.    So welcome to:

(Username, Location and Area Secretary)

Richard Harris                 Friskney                Me

N2cSystems (Simon)      Sheffield               Grim

Ian Moore                        Goole                     Me

David Mills                       Anglesey               smpaarrkky

Spiker (Alexander)          Royston                apgodden

Craig Stirk                       Melton Mowbray  tractor

paul hills                          Steyning               nelmo

Gary Brown                     Newent                 Robbie 2B




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Welcome to you all, hopefully you'll all find something useful within the club.

It's not the best of weather for driving at the moment, which means it must be project time so crack on and get all those fixes sorted, ready for the great weather we're going to have next year ........................ maybe !

Ask any questions - if we can help we will, and enjoy your kits,   Steve

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  • 4 weeks later...

Happy New Year everyone.   Not surprisingly December was a very quiet month.   We lost 4 members but gained 2 new members.  Fair exchange 😀

So let's welcome  (Forum name, Location and Area Sec):

DaveA76              Louth          Me

Scott H-G             Welney       Me

Here't to a successful 2024 for the Club.

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