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Everything posted by Darrell

  1. Weather is looking favourable for the weekend, anyone from the NW having a trip to Newark? Why not put some times and locations for stops/ refuels/ convenient meeting places others may want to join you on the drive down. unfortunately I can’t make it this year have fun
  2. Glad all went well, sounds like there is a story in there for the club magazine and hopefully a picture or 2! pity I missed it, darned doctors orders
  3. Not gonna make this one, hope you all have fun and the weather is kind.
  4. Expansion tank! Does a metal drinks bottle mounted on the nose cone with a pipe from the top of the radiator connected to it count as one? I don’t seem to have any overheating problems, in towns/ traffic the temp moves up to half way up the Sierra water temp gauge but all other times it sits in the lower normal part of the gauge, not noticed any water in the bottle!! All seems Ok?
  5. thanks guys, some things to check and work on
  6. looking great well done.
  7. brill thanks, just need a window of opportunity to check, I have been deployed on decorating duties!!!!!
  8. Hi All, I am hoping for some advice & guidance to solve an issue with Rupert! Rupert is a Robin Hood 2B - 2.0 litre Ford SOHC (Pinto) fed by a Weber 38DGAS carburettor, the points have been replaced by an electronic switch (before I bought him). I use E5 petrol. The symptoms an intermittent back fire and pops/ crackles on the over run - not all the time, not during the first 20-30 miles of a run, occasionally hesitant when asked for acceleration, occasionally when cruising along in traffic hesitant/ jerkiness/ lack of power when asked & then off we go! Occasionally a back fire on accelerating from cruising along. Rev counter drops to zero and then springs back in to life. Stop at the road side and he will tick over fine, revs great, fuel in the filter housing. Set off no issues and maybe OK or maybe hesitant!! Cannot make it happen on demand!! February 2024 back on road after 3 months, occasional start/ trickle charger on, serviced in prep for new season. Noticed some pops & crackles on the overrun same as last summer, got a bit worse, on the run down to Malvern occasional back fire and intermittent loss of power/ jerkiness! Seems to be getting steadily worse. I hope that makes sense! Things I have done to rectify it… Tried 2 sets of plugs (good spark on all plugs) New HT leads New coil New rotor arm New fuel filter Repair to a chaffed wire to the coil Sprayed brake cleaner (advised) around inlet manifold seemed to be no change in engine speed Valve clearances checked and adjusted as necessary Crank case breather split & venting to air - replaced with a catch (can crank case to catch can to inlet manifold) Timing checked (6 BTDC) set in 2021 (marked on pulley & engine to easily check) Mechanic (paid!) Reset mixture & timing Stripped carburettor, cleaned and put back together Checked the things I did! Told me he was still running slightly rich but couldn't turn screws in any more or fuel would be cut off. Would investing in a rolling road set up session be a good idea? There is one not far from me advertising in CKC magazine? Upshot he is running better than he was but about 20-30 miles into a run he will start with intermittent loss of power, hesitant on acceleration and a very occasional backfire, the nightmare is it is intermittent when it happens and I pull over to check things he ticks over (about 1000 rpm) fine and revs great. In August 2023 his exhaust rattled itself to bits so had a new stainless steel one fitted - adapted escort manifold to 2.25" pipe and into a box. Please could you have a think and let me know your thoughts. I must admit I am at a loss as what to do now! HELP!!!
  9. I am up for that, fingers crossed Rupert will be back on the road by then I will be travelling down from Blackpool who's booking the weather!!!
  10. The mechanical gremlins have struck and I won't be heading out tomorrow. Rupert has had an intermittent misfire for a few weeks has got worse and after spending hours trying to sort it to no avail, it has beaten me!! I hope you have a great run out, not jealous at all
  11. The mechanical gremlins have struck and I won't be heading out tomorrow. Rupert has had an intermittent misfire for a few weeks has got worse and after spending hours trying to sort it to no avail, it has beaten me!! I hope you have a great run out, not jealous at all
  12. What time 'ish will you be arriving at the Ponderosa Cafe, we could meet you there? on our timescale we would be getting there about 1030am 'ish
  13. Here are the details for the 'Bala' run out on Sunday... 9am Cat & Lion, Tarporley Road, Stretton 9.15am set off to the Ponderosa Cafe, Horseshoe Pass, near Llangollen to meet up with the Midlands bunch. Then decide where to go, seems like Richy has some knowledge of the area and some good roads. Early indications are that the weather will get drier as the day progresses, fingers crossed. Who's up for it? see you there Darrell.
  14. fantastic, glad it was a great turn out, well done
  15. Hi All, Anyone popping to the No Man Left Behind Car Club meeting on Sunday? see details on the attached Facebook screenshot, I plan to get there about 10am, anyone else going let me know we could meet up before hand and drive in together? Darrell
  16. Hi, we have a club run out on 21/7, more details to follow (see 2/6 entry) the next show is the Newark show in September further details to follow have you considered joining the club?
  17. Wow! that's a fair bit of redundant wire. It looks so much simpler now. Mine looks like that behind the dash a project I am plucking courage up to do. well done
  18. looking good, as always a bit of fettling to do lol, well done
  19. just looking for the email address to book the weather
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