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Everything posted by Shaft

  1. Shaft


    Just got in from what we thought was Kirsty's 40th Birthday Party... Amazing night made even more special by finding out this fantastic couple had secretly got married this morning so we where actually at a wedding reception!
  2. Try your Ray Charles method again but this time employ the use of a welding mask.
  3. Very nice! 5.7 V8 Twin Supercharged.
  4. That said mine was just NA though, not force fed. Better rich than lean any day.
  5. Isn't 450cc a bit big for a 2 litre Dan? I only ran 320's on a 4.6 V8?
  6. I remember setting the cam timing and the mega-jolt on that. Brings back some mixed memories.
  7. Watts divided by volts. 2000w ÷ 230v = 8.7 amps
  8. Here ya go mate.... It's biggerer than 5.7L mate. :cheers: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/301660595886?clk_rvr_id=1025482256274&item=301660595886&lgeo=1&vectorid=229508&rmvSB=true
  9. Hi all, Please find comments and chat on the link below. Thanks, http://www.rhocar.org/index.php?showtopic=44049&hl=
  10. Yeah, I made about 6 or 7 of them. Sir Chris has a special edition one as well with a Smurf in the middle.
  11. Can't do this Sunday until later (say 4.30 ish) as have an appointment at the opticians at 2.30. I've got Date of Birth Syndrome I think!
  12. We'll get it home no problem mate.... When we doing it?
  13. Power feed on X "AND" Y and DRO on all 3 axes!!! Bargain of the century Rich!
  14. I have the skills to use one and Steamer only lives 5 mins away!
  15. Shaft

    No Hard Feelings

    Agree with the others, you're not the 1st and won't be the last. Good on you for this post though. As I was the 1st to pick you up on your post (I'm a Moderator so goes with the territory) I'll just clarify my reply was merely to advise this is a "Public Forum" and not the ideal place for such admission. Take it on the chin, as you appear to have done now, and carry on. This really is a good club.
  16. Obviously on a private dual carriageway with a private roundabout as you wouldn't mention doing this on a public road in a post on a public forum?
  17. You need a Dan or a Jon...
  18. No worries. Welcome to my world! Lol. Have a read here also, it talks through the fundamentals of deflection and the ratio of compression to tension versus the neutral line of any given beam but more in Layman's terms than the 1st link. I'm happy to help with any calcs if you need me but you'll learn more from good old fashioned reading. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bending
  19. It's unfortunately not as simple as A+B=C Steve. There are numerous variables to take into account to glean your answer. You say 2m long but the point of load won't be a singular point in the middle so you'll need to know how your proposed 2 tonne load will be spread over the length. To learn the swl you need to firstly work out the deflection for a given load at a given point, but how far along the 2m? (Hence the need to know load spread?) Sorry to be vague but that's why I posted the link above; more for explaining what I'm getting at rather than using it as a calculator.
  20. they supply them with the kit so i see no reason why they wouldn't send you some? Give them a ring. (email rarely gets results)
  21. have a read here. It's complex to explain without an essay. Be aware as you're using it for jacking as the 'bounce' effect creates a dynamic load rahter than a 'static' load. Also, the 8:1 ratio for SWL if wanting insurance. i.e lifting 100kg swl the beam must test at 800kg. http://www.engineersedge.com/beam_calc_menu.shtml
  22. Just had a trawl through my old laptop in the Man Cave and found a little gem for you... If you wanted to get some machined i can supply a 3D Cad model for you or ask Steamer (Red Seven Auto Engineering) on here.
  23. Hi Rodg, Here's a pic from my build archive showing a spacer i made for mine. I didn't like the supplied ones hence making my own to suit. (My kit was built 7 years ago so things should of changed ) If you want any more pics please feel free to browse my Photobucket pages. (All categorised from kit collection to IVA pass). http://s575.photobucket.com/user/shaft_Zero/library/?sort=3&page=1
  24. A massive congratulations from Myself, Julie and the girls. Sorry we couldn't make it to share your happy day with you all.
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