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Wales Trip Late May Bank Holiday Weekend


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I've been talking about this for a while and I know a few people had expressed interest so I figured I would throw up a post and see who is up for it.

Basic plan is this:

Dates: Saturday 23rd May - Monday 25th May (Which is a bank holiday)

Where: Elan Valley, Mid-Males

The Plan:

23rd May - Meet up for Breakfast at cafe near me (WV16 area), once we and the cars are full, follow a pre-set route to Elan Valley - 80miles

24th May - Run out around mid-wales taking in various stops for lunch, refreshments , fuel etc -150miles
Planned stops include Corris Craft Centre and Tregaron Kite Centre.
Dinner out somewhere together at the end of the day.

25h May - Possibly do something on the Morning (open to suggestions) then head home - Have a different route planned back in the general direction of mine should people want to do that which is about 65miles.

My original plan was to have done a reccy run before now and tested out the routes, but with breaking the kit for spares and starting the new project, I havent had chance, but knowing the area reasonably well, I think it should be a decent route with enough fuel stops for even @Andi to make it round without too much fear of running out of petrol!

In terms of accommodation, having had a quick look around Rhayader looks ideal with plenty of options at sensible money.  This link will show you some of the options locally https://tinyurl.com/vsovo6u

Also a campsite very close by that looks reasonable for those who prefer aluminium or canvas roofs https://www.campsites.co.uk/search/campsites-in-wales/powys/rhayader/wyeside-camping-and-caravanning-club-site

So, if you are interested, drop your name below.  I'm not sure what I will be driving yet, but if it comes to it, I'll just take the Scooby again.



This is definitely happening now, so book your accommodation and leave a comment below with where you are staying so I can add you to the list - Also just to say, I cant vouch for any of the accommodation I have listed below, just lisited the ones close to where I have booked that are reasonably priced.

Stu and Sarah
David S
Mark B

Derek and Marilyn

Kerry and Sharon
Jez and Andy


Trev and Brian

Richy and Jackie

Car count: 9
People count: 14

Edited by theduck
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Having spoken to a few people last night and confirmed along with those of you that had replied there is definitely interest, this is one is a go-er.  I have booked into the Elan Hotel for Sarah and Me, will start a list at the top of who has and booked and where.

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Ok jumped the gun a bit but the first hotel I found with extra large beds was The Swan Country House B&B in Rhayader, Saint Harmon, LD6 5NG 3.5 miles away.

So we are booked in there for 2 nights. We will stay over locally on the Friday night and meet up where ever on the Sat Morning.

Edited by Derek
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Having had to miss the August Wales Road Trip for the past couple of years ... EXTREMELY disappointed - our children and their families can only go away during school holiday time and we all meet up abroad as a large family.

This May trip would be an outstandingly brilliant alternative ... but we have planned a wedding anniversary trip away ....


How can such happy family events cause such disappointments?! At this rate I'll forget how to drive my hoodie!

Have a superb 'weekend' one and all - it will be a fabulous event.

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