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How To Change Engine Size On My Log Book


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I'm starting to think about updating my log book with the new engine and reading the dvla website I've got myself a bit worried about how I'm going to provide evidence of this.


DVLA state that;


Engine number or cylinder capacity (cc)

You'll need to provide either:


a receipt for the replacement engine - I HAVE NO RECEIPT

written evidence from the manufacturer - CANNOT PROVIDE

an inspection report provided for insurance purposes - WHAT'S INVOLVED IN THIS???

written confirmation on headed paper from a garage (if the change took place before you bought the vehicle) - I'VE HAD THE CAR 10 YEARS SO I DON'T THINK I CAN GET AWAY WITH THIS ONE!



So whats the best route for me to take for getting the details changed on my log book?

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Two of our southern members are suffering the same problems;seems every letter sent to DVLA is met with a blank reply of "More information required" Have suggested they take a personal trip to the local VOSA station (Southampton) to see if they could help.

Can put you in touch if any help,Richard.

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DVLA are mental.


can't say it would work but i'd just keep sending them letters stating you did the engine swap and get a friendly garage to stamp a bit of paper saying they agree to what engine it is.


make sure you do recorded post as well so you can prove you were informing them. hopefully they will get bored and actually do some work and send you the v5.


good luck

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my best mate owns a garage and I've had a chat with him this afternoon and although he's not that experienced with these kind of things, he seems to think I can either;


1) he'll do an invoice & letter on his company header saying that his garage supplied and installed the engine,




2) he will take it to an MOT station and get it MOT'd and a covering inspection letter from the MOT station.


Hopefully one or the other will work!


Seriously though! how awkward are the dvla when trying to do the right thing!!

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They haven't seemed to make the connection between them making it difficult for people to comply with their regulations and the increasing number of people either not complying or looking for ways to circumvent them.


One of the other car clubs I'm in often gets the question of how to tell them nowadays that you have scrapped a car yourself. Generally because they've bought a second one for spares, pulled everything useful off it and chopped the remains up and weighed it in. DVLA say they need a certificate of destruction or you need to keep declaring SORN until you get one (that'll be forever then because they can't).


The answer seems to be to contact DVLA telling them that you sold the car to someone and filled in the paperwork and sent it off but haven't heard back from them yet confirming that you are no longer the registered keeper. They ask you for the details of the new keeper again - which you don't have because it was on the document you sent off to them a month or more ago. They then update their records so you are no longer the registered keeper but the car is still "alive" but with a flag for plod to pull it over and get details if they see it on the road.


Of course as people are becoming aware of the problem it's actually happening a step earlier because someone buying a car that they know they are just going to pull apart and dispose of the remains never bother to register it in their name to start with. "I'll take the documents and send them off" translates to I'll shred them and let you deal with DVLA when the current SORN declaration runs out.


Net result - there are an increasing number of records on their database for cars that have been chopped up but they have no mechanism for us to tell them about it. Or they could just have left the tickbox on the document where you confirm that you have scrapped the car yourself.........

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Guest red-col

OK this is proving very interesting.... I will be in a similar situation some time soon, I purchased a 2b kit that was half way through an upgrade from a 2ltr Pinto to a 2ltr zetec so I will need to update the engine number etc with the DVLA which looks like it could be fun as I don't have receipts etc for the engine.


would there be issues with the MOT if you took it and the registered engine was not the same as what is in the car? for example would the emissions be done on the engine in the car or what the car is registered to? or will the tester just say that it doesnt match so he cant test/pass the car?

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Guest ianjenn

I found the process very straight forward. I just sent the old V5 (which had a pinto engine listed) filled in with the engine change. I enclosed an invoice detailing the engine number and the make and model of car that it came from i.e. Jaguar s type v6 petrol engine. (you could easily fashion one of these)


I then sent a picture of the engine in place and the covering letter below. My new V5 arrived no problem.

The main issue is if the engine change leads to a taxation class change, so I would clearly state that this is not applicable.


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Guest alfaGTA

so what qualifies as an official receipt of engine purchase? Hand written note from a guy on ebay? Receipt from a vehicle dismantler? What if you send along a document from a mot garage that has inspected the conversion and deems it roadworthy? But none of the above show that the engine isn't stolen, so do dvla have a list of stolen engine number's to cross reference against?

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Guest ianjenn

I just had a receipt from the eBay seller which was a scrapyard. (I can post a pic of it if required) It was nothing special and I could have made it myself. I didn't need anything else other than mentioned above. I changed my V5 about 6months ago so is fairly recent.

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Guest jetskijase

hi rich

i tried sending off my log book with new engine number and capacity, i got a letter back giving me the options they will except, so just incase you get a numpty just send off your v5 doc with change of cc and engine and see what happens.


when/if you get a letter back, i went to my friendly garage mechanic (cheers grandpops!!!) and got a stamped reciept saying date of change, engine number, capacity, and added "engine overhaul bearings etc" fitment and service, at a cost of about £1200 ish. signed saying i paid in cash and jobs a goodun.

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  • 3 months later...

Right then, let's see how I get on...


I've sent them;

Amended V5C

Covering letter from my best mate's garage. Letterheaded paper and garage-stapmed.

Invoice for the supply and installation of the engine from the garage.

Garage buisiness card


fingers crossed :)

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I have just changed my 1992cc Pinto for a 1998cc Red Top and had no problems with the DVLA.

Just filled in the appropriate boxes on my old V5.


The person who sold me the Red Top sent me a receipt via email, so there was no signature in the receipt i printed off.


Put both together and posted and waited for the fun, but my new V5 was delivered showing the new engine number and the changed cc about 3 weeks later.

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