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Area Secretary
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Everything posted by philshelton

  1. No the club is run in line with a set of rules (the constitution) these rules can only be changed at an AGM or EGM the committee has to adhere to these rules. If you want to change things you need to be a member and request change at an AGM or EGM
  2. Like I said if you want to change things in the club GET INVOLVED. You sound very passionate about things thats what the club needs. I stood down as i had lost some of the passion over the 6 years
  3. If you want to shape the club in to the future join the club and stand for committee. I wont be standing I did my 6+ years so see both sides
  4. if you are a non paying member what do you bring to the club?
  5. All committee are voted on each year by the membership
  6. I doubt it its hard to get volunteers, even harder if they know they will be working in a committee with so much friction. Having worked with someone of this committee prior to the current chairman, the fires of hell and promise of sure death would not get me to stand for a post and work in the committee with such friction.
  7. un gritted roads round here are clear if run east to west got snow drifts if north to east but easy to drive on. gritted roads are like a skating rink
  8. philshelton

    Sad News

    Sadly Peter ray passed away this week, thoughts with his family. A true gentleman taken too early
  9. Dunlop blue sports respons
  10. are we having sunday lunch in stilton?
  11. at the end of the day a newer engine is going to chuck out less crap and if we did get the co down would dvla reduce road tax?
  12. yep worth every penny
  13. Well that was a new experience membership paid
  14. Hi mate put Helen and me down if still space
  15. Ask Dean Rudkin he knows someone
  16. The difficulty will also depend on your own skills, experience and ability. Plenty have done it so its not that bad
  17. very nice
  18. philshelton


    Mental health is a massive issue. Having a daughter who has been a victim of anorexia, lost a great friend and club member and knowing of at least 3 other members who have suffered illness of the mind, it has little physical presence except to those closest. Is there anything we as a club can do to raise awareness and funds to support those who are in the darkest of places. Your thoughts and ideas please, to get things rolling how about a round the uk relay tour.
  19. philshelton


    More help is needed for mental illness. I understand your fight and wish you all the strength in it
  20. yep me to
  21. Even got a good traditional belt guard called common sense !!!!!!!!
  22. unistrut is easy to get a a reasonable price. Have you thought about using that?
  23. Great weekend thanks to all those who put all the hard work in
  24. there was a lot of fluid spills in the first couple of hours. Things settled down as the day went on.
  25. What a great day out. Watch out for this one next year.
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