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Everything posted by philshelton

  1. Thought it might be rager, but don't think so ar no collage tubes
  2. The rager was made about the same time. Been trying to find photos of but no luck
  3. Had the same, have removed it during upgrades as was looking tatty. Might try something simular on the roof instead.
  4. Have gone floor mounted clutch and brake with the upgrade to mx5 engine and box.
  5. Long time no see. Good to see back on the road. Just a shame there are so few shows to meet up at nowadays.
  6. Winter mods finished just waiting to get it set up on the rolling Road on the 5th Jan. Photo album of the conversion are here. https://www.amazon.co.uk/photos/share/M4DnC4AjGEeV3HeLzKVylCwJwRV6Mx5Wrm0HZ91KP97
  7. It was sold and is back up for sale on one of the Facebook groups. Up for 4k if I remember correctly
  8. To the tune hit me baby one more time Oh Richard Stuart how is this supposed to fit, hit it maybe one more time
  9. Such a shame the put the event on in the height of holiday season.
  10. Helen:- pate, lasagna Phil:- pate, rib eye with stilton sauce cooked blue
  11. We would like to join you 2 of us
  12. Yep we are booked in
  13. Are we having lunch as a group?
  14. philshelton


    Metal ones are terrible for condensation.
  15. Helen:- duck parfait, turkey, cheese board Phil:- mushrooms, pork belly, chocolate brownie
  16. Thank you Chris will sort deposit. Can I bank transfer it to you?
  17. Not quite the same being booked to the venue and not the group.
  18. Just seen this don't get on forum that often. Looks like we will miss it this year.
  19. philshelton

    EuroBash 2023

    Shame you will miss this event https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://grandprixretro-puynotredame.com/&ved=2ahUKEwiwp67Ax7L5AhWZR8AKHa9sCGkQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw10NKjo7jczsWoqa8q22x-9
  20. Phil Shelton 53 Horse well lane Wigston le18 2hr.
  21. Mr Parish you missed a great catch up, we were only there Sunday. Meet up with Andy grim, rich marsh, Dan Elliott to mention a few. Maybe you can make end of season bash
  22. Derek can you book Helen and myself in for lunch please
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