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shaun_tomo88 last won the day on January 13 2023

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    Robin Hood 2B…….
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Wheely good builder!

Wheely good builder! (4/6)



  1. Looks just like mine did, good clean done the trick for me
  2. Sorry I thought I replied…… the amount of fibre glass I’d need, then trying to align the nose cone, gel coat repair flat and polishing, just seems a lot of work
  3. So the yellow rear arches pictured won’t fit a 2b?
  4. Hi all, seen these on Facebook, I’m being told there for a 2B…. How will I know if they are or not, thanks in advance
  5. Looking for a Nose cone for a 2B mine is completely buggered very deep scratches….. can anyone let me know if there’s one for sale, not to bothered about colour….
  6. Hi all, got to the point of fitting the water pipes on my zetec conversion into my 2B, I haven’t got a clue what pipes go where, could anybody share some pictures with me on how use have done yours, it’s with the Neil Dunn water rail…. All advice much appreciated
  7. Thanks for letting me know that
  8. I can’t find people on the forum anymore, How do I do that?
  9. Filipes H…. Aintree not far from myself, Richy could you please try and get us in contact, same with some of the other new members you’ve posted over the last few months
  10. That’s the part of my conversion I’ve not liked, the grinder and welder hate both
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