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Everything posted by speedtripledan

  1. Instead of a leash get an ssc stylus I've not lost a hat yet... Proper windscreen
  2. I've broke one type 9 and that wasnt really broke. just high milage wear on the lay shaft needles. In cars that weigh naff all they safe enough with what we are doing.
  3. Something to think about before you go ahead, copied from bosal website Tow bar design Tow bars are reviewed on an individual basis, and only those that meet the European Courts safety and quality standards are considered type-approved. As of 1998 in the UK, only Whole European Type-Approved Vehicles can be fitted with European Type Approved towbars. To ensure that the tow bar you are purchasing is safe and compliant, always look for the type approval plate. Manufacturers design towbars using data such as; The car manufacturer's specified fixing points Gross Trailer Weight Gross Vehicle Weight As this data varies depending on the make, model and year of the car, it is important that you invest in a (type-approved) vehicle-specific tow bar. I've done it but won't any longer, if it's not type approved it's not legal in my understanding of it. Have an accident whilst towing I think it would be a world of legal pain. Just my interpretation of it...
  4. my innovate one is similar and the exact reason I bought it was to tune my 45 Weber's when they were fitted,
  5. My type 9 is absolutely fine with 250ftlb and 243hp, if it ever fails then I may look at something stronger but choices very limited without spending ££££
  6. I use one of these https://frsport.com/innovate-motorsports-3844-mtx-l-wideband-o2-gauge-controller-kit?currency=GBP&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5-TXBRCHARIsANLixNzlP0_gNInx1zw_doY971EnEpWhJ293nKBMj3KtSraQKZLM5dD6MbEaAlWgEALw_wcB Its conected to my canems ECU and controls my engine spot on with no issues.
  7. improves it no end
  8. speedtripledan


    60sqm just labour and base materials £1k we have supplied the slabs. They been here building here for the last 5months so price may have been influenced by that
  9. I had to put 4paddle cerametalic clutch in mine from helix
  10. speedtripledan


    Builders are laying my patio at the minute same method as above, hardcore wackered and mortar bed
  11. I used a filter king reg and silvertop facet pump worked spot on with my fireblade carbs and pinto
  12. Wow 6k ! You got to love an optimist. Best sell mine for 20k in that case
  13. Last trackday I did 2 mx5 were there, great handling cars I've had one. The stylus and it's old live axle was quicker by some margin through the corners. Even my mate with his galanza 308hp turbo said the stylus was quicker through the bends. So it can't be that bad followed one mx5 for a couple of laps and it was like being on a cool down lap
  14. There is nothing to look at, it's a live axle mk 2 escort with quaife atb. The grip problem comes from having a shat load of torque being delivered instantly with the supercharger the pilot sports were fine with old set up, of 170bhp and what ever torque it threw out. Now with 265ftlb of torque, most of which is there in the low 2000rpm range it needed more grip from a softer tyre which the r1r has given without losing all wet grip as you would with r888.
  15. speedtripledan


    it's why I sold my megajolt and went nodiz, I couldn't get the software side to work, sure one of the megajolt massive will sort it for you
  16. Just in case, I meant I will see you at stoneleigh not trowell
  17. Despite what some will tell you, once tuned correctly emphasis on correctly they are a good carb that will stay in tune. It's all about getting the correct jets chokes and emulsion tubes
  18. I forgot how much stuff you need for camping with a family, xc90 bursting at the seems kit car on trailer all ready to go, c u tomorrow
  19. The good old days
  20. Glad to have created lasting memorys for you seem to remember a greenfly infestation aswell. Dare I mention straw gate
  21. He knows the car is bag of shat that needs IVA, he is just hoping for somebody with no knowledge to come along and buy it
  22. I just sold my spare coolex polo rad on Facebook if I'd known you were looking
  23. If you try and use a thermostat in the raceline it's situated to far from the original ford location in the head, this caused the problem of delayed opening causing my engine to rise 120deg before it opened, the only way it would sort work was with a partly opened bypass valve going round the stat and holes drilled in the stat. I also had to use a 82deg stat to get the engine at 85deg, the zetec is better at 90odd. Spent years messing with it and never got it to work properly. The retro ford unit on the hand has a 92stat one 3mm hole in the stat no bypass and works perfectly. This was my experience your set up might perform better, they sold loads so they must work ?
  24. your stuffed then
  25. I.m towing mine down so will meet you there
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