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Q reg or age related number plate?


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After two years of renovating an unregistered Exmo I have finally requested an IVA test.

My doner car was a Ford Sierra 1984.  Will it be elligable for road tax exemption in 2024?  If so, Does it make a difference whether it is an age related reg or a Q plate?

They asked on the IVA form when the car was compleated, so will it be registered 2020, and does that make a difference to the road tax exemption?


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45 minutes ago, NickandNeil said:

After two years of renovating an unregistered Exmo I have finally requested an IVA test.

My doner car was a Ford Sierra 1984.  Will it be elligable for road tax exemption in 2024?  If so, Does it make a difference whether it is an age related reg or a Q plate?

They asked on the IVA form when the car was compleated, so will it be registered 2020, and does that make a difference to the road tax exemption?


Hi Neil,

To answer both questions it will not have an exemption from vehicle road tax due to it not being first registered until this year.

(NOT 40 YEARS OLD) sorry but it is age related from first registration.

I put my completion date as the day I sent the paper work in for the IVA.

To answer the Q reg or age related you will now find it harder to get an age related plate without having to jump through

hoops to fulfil their requirements. It is possible! 

Regards Martin

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Age related registration plate is not as difficult as some make out.

it is all about evidencing and no more difficult than it was decades ago it’s just that most people  consider it far to late in the build process, I did and had to do a lot of work to get the evidence needed. I asked tricky dicky for a copy of the original build receipt at Stonleigh one year and he wanted £200 for it, I was never going to pay that.

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I got an age related plate in 2014, by declaring the Sierra parts I used and taking some photos of me stripping the Sierra. Wasn't difficult.

B reg for me, but now I know more about kit cars I personally would not care about a Q reg.

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When I registered my kit I was expecting a Q as hadn’t used enough of donor, but had sent the V5 just to get rid, and didn’t have proof chassis was new. DVLA called me and advised I would get an age related plate if I sent the receipt proving the chassis was new. I explained I didn’t buy it new and got no paperwork so didn’t  have such proof and he suggested I might want to “look for it” and “you never know what you might find”, I actually had to tell him to just give me the Q plate as that was what I was expecting and wanted anyway. 

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I got mine registered in 2018 and got an age related plate. As above as long as you send evidence in it’s really not hard. 

on another note tho as it’s technically registered as a new vehicle you do qualify for the 3 year mot same as a new car so mine doesn’t require an mot until July next year. 

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Having done 5 SVA's & 5 registered kits, I've never had a Q plate on any of them, I don't understand why it's difficult if the vast majority of parts comes from the donor or the donor type vehicle. The DSA are not engineers & the vast majority have no clue as to what came from what vehicle. 

Edit:- Just to add i would have thought now that you no longer have to present a vehicle for inspection to register it, it should be easier.

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To be honest, the whole system is a farce and we stress about it unnecessarily.

When I did my forms, one of them (v167 or something) asks you to list the state of major components. When I did mine, I wrote 'refurbished' for the main suspension components because I bought them from GBS and I assumed they were refurbished. I was promptly given a Q plate which I didn't mind but my log book still showed current emissions required, so there was no advantage in having it. I spoke to GBS and they said they always wrote 'new' on that form and it was never questioned. I appealed, changed the form and they gave me a new reg. 

Bottom line, the people at the DVLA know nothing about cars, they're just box-tickers. They don't check any of the engine numbers you might send them or call the companies you've got invoices from, it's all done from a windowless office. I bet, with inventive use of Photo shop,  you could get a new reg for a 1980s Pinto! 😁 

Now obviously, don't get me wrong, I am in no way suggesting you do that (in fact, it would be pretty stupid as your 1980 Pinto would have to meet current emission standards - no chance) but it's all just paperwork. 

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On 5/16/2020 at 11:04 AM, maca said:

To answer the Q reg or age related you will now find it harder to get an age related plate without having to jump through

hoops to fulfil their requirements. It is possible! 

While I did say about jump through hoops I did get an age related reg from them with the aid of a letter from Ruth Hall at GBS with regards to the chassis as below:-

Part Letter Details.

(Based on the information provided, we write to confirm that the above Robin Hood 2B chassis that is now owned by (ME) was purchased part built from Robin Hood Sports Cars in 2005)

This was accepted by DVLA

I have enclosed documents as below.




V5C of donor vehicle

The registration fee £55.00

The road fund payment £245.00

My age related V5C states 

1. Rebuilt-Assembled from parts some or all of which were not new

2.SVA/IVA CERT ISSUED 24 08 17 Emission Limit - %C/O0,3.0; 0.2 FI HC 0.02FI; Lamboa 0.97-1.03

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6 hours ago, nelmo said:

To be honest, the whole system is a farce and we stress about it unnecessarily.

When I did my forms, one of them (v167 or something) asks you to list the state of major components. When I did mine, I wrote 'refurbished' for the main suspension components because I bought them from GBS and I assumed they were refurbished. I was promptly given a Q plate which I didn't mind but my log book still showed current emissions required, so there was no advantage in having it. I spoke to GBS and they said they always wrote 'new' on that form and it was never questioned. I appealed, changed the form and they gave me a new reg. 

Bottom line, the people at the DVLA know nothing about cars, they're just box-tickers. They don't check any of the engine numbers you might send them or call the companies you've got invoices from, it's all done from a windowless office. I bet, with inventive use of Photo shop,  you could get a new reg for a 1980s Pinto! 😁 

Now obviously, don't get me wrong, I am in no way suggesting you do that (in fact, it would be pretty stupid as your 1980 Pinto would have to meet current emission standards - no chance) but it's all just paperwork. 

no photoshop required, just claim it was refurbished to as new standard and that everything else was new and you could get a new plate with a pinto.

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got age related plate back in 2007. Don't know how much has changed since then though. Was relatively easy although a bit nerve racking as they were checking over the car and asking which bits came from where etc. I thought they weren't going to give it me and was surprised when they said it was fine.

On 5/19/2020 at 10:09 AM, magh said:

on another note tho as it’s technically registered as a new vehicle you do qualify for the 3 year mot same as a new car so mine doesn’t require an mot until July next year. 

Again things might have changed but this seems to be really variable over the years. I didn't get 3 years and had to Mot after first year. Others get 3 years?! I didn't do an mot before SVA either which triggers the system sometimes. Randomly some people have been given a brand new plate rather than age related, perhaps a trainee was doing the registering that day.

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