The oil should lie clear of getting whipped by the con rods, if you're not sure about your dipstick (And Ford in their wisdom made several dipstick & tube lengths for the Pinto. Buy one of these from Burton Power. (will suite a shorten sump) 'Dipstick & tube'.
After 21 years of being a Hoodie, and several years as the NW area sec, my heath has decided that it's time to say goodby to the Hood, so I'll be bringing it to Stoneleigh on the Sunday to sell it on. See you all there.
Don't need it back. Once you've sorted out for yourself, you might think to run a few off either with the corsa caliper settings, or copy the sierra settings. I'm sure others might want to do similar.
As previously said, 1mm cutting disk, but once you've marked out (over tape) where you want the cut, clamp a piece of bar or similar straight edge along the line then you 'rub' along the bar with the side of the disk as you cut.
firstly you need to decide which monocoque model you have, many people call their cars "S7" but that was only used for a very short time as Caterham took RH to court to get him to stop using it. go to find out which model you have, but be aware there were a few "one-off" whilst he experimented with different things.
I still have the sierra sender in the tank, but bent and fiddled with the float wire until I got the best out of it, now it reads 3/4 full when it's actually full, but as it drops down below 1/2 it's actually spot on, so when it reads empty, you really need to pray that there's a garage around the corner.
The cheapest glass cleaner that you can get from the supermarket. Windowlean etc will leave smears.
The stainless has a film covering it, so you don't actually clean the metal itself, just the surface of the film.